How Much Do You Know?

How Much Do You Know?

Posted by SGLA on Sep 19th 2017



H E R E  A R E  T H E  F A C T S

Ovarian and breast cancer are some of the leading causes of deaths in women. Educating yourself
on the facts and prevention could help you and your loved ones in the long run.

So, let's look at some hard facts.


O  V  A  R  I  A  N   C  A  N  C  E  R






B  R  E  A  S  T   C  A  N  C  E  R






 P R E V E N T I O N 

Know your body and the signs it will give you if something is wrong. Consult your
doctor right away if you suspect something out of the ordinary.


 E D U C A T I O N 

Educate yourself on breast and ovarian cancer, the warning signs, and ways to take charge.


 C O M M U N I T Y 

Surround yourself in the community that knows what you or loved ones are going
through. Find a support group to help educate each other as time goes on. 




S U P P O R T  T H I S  C A U S E  W I T H  S G L A

Help us as we partner with the Lynne Cohen Foundation to help combat ovarian
and breast cancer through preventative care, education, and community. 

We have curated a collection online specifically for this cause. 30% of all proceeds
will be donated to the Lynne Cohen Foundation at the end of the campaign.