The Best Sunglasses for Your Face Shape

The Best Sunglasses for Your Face Shape

Posted by SGLA on Aug 10th 2017


W H A T  S T Y L E  I S  B E S T  F O R  YOU ? 



Do you ever go shopping for sunglasses and try on pair after pair, and you still can't find a style that looks
good on you? Well have no fear, Sunglass LA is here! Not only are we going to go over how to find your
face shape, but we will present you with styles that will have you looking one of a kind.


R O U N D 



You have a round face when the width and length is roughly the same. 

Defined by: Soft curves, rounded chin, and no pronounced angles. 




D O ' S : Boxy, straight, square, hexagonal, and angular frames. 

D O N T ' S : Small and circular frames. 

Style #BC434

Style #8066






You have a square face when the length and width are roughly the same, but with a pointed chin. 

Defined by: Angular jawline, straight cheekbones, and defined broad forehead. 




D O ' S : Round, oval, cat eye, aviator, and thin metal frames. 

D O N T ' S : Boxy and thick frames. 

Style #BC365

Style #B256


R E C T A N G L E 



You have a rectangle face when the length is longer than the width. 

Defined by: High cheekbones, strong jawline, and raised forehead. 



 D O ' S : Oversize, round, shield, horn-rimmed, aviator, and cat eye frames. 

D O N T ' S : Small and boxy frames. 

Style #BC102

Style #C099


O V A L 



You have an oval face when the length is twice as long as the width. 

Defined by: Balanced features, chin narrower than forehead, and high cheekbones. 




D O ' S : All styles. 

D O N T ' S : Oversize frames. 

Style #BC875

Style #8992


D I A M O N D 



You have a diamond face if the forehead and chin are narrower than the center of the face. 

Defined by: Wide cheekbones, angular jaw, and pointed chin. 




D O ' S : Cat eye, semi-rimless, horn-rimmed, and crossbar aviator frames. 

D O N T ' S : Small and narrow frames. 

Style #B884

Style #B397


T R I A N G L E 



You have a triangle face when the jawline is wider than the forehead



D O ' S : Bold, flat top, square, oversize, and rectangular frames. 

D O N T ' S : Small, circular, and thin frames.

Style #B971

Style #B475


I N V E R T E D  T R I A N G L E  /  H E A R T 



You have an inverted triangle face when the forehead is wider than the jaw. 

Defined by: High cheekbones and narrow chin. 

A widow's peak in the hairline changes shape from inverted to heart. 




D O ' S : Round, semi-rimless, horn-rimmed, aviator, cat eye, butterfly, and shield frames. 

D O N T ' S : Embellished, dark, and heavy frames, and decorative temples.


Style #BC256

Style #S29365


W A T C H   N O W 
